About Us



At a time when the world has become a global village and distances do not play that big a role in the hiring of valuable resources various barriers, earlier considered to be strong determining factors in the selection of candidates, have begun blurring at workplaces. Gender, region, language, religion, caste, class, occupation, background, disability, race and sexual orientation are not expected to be challenging factors anymore for anyone applying for jobs. Employers appreciating differences in individuals (along with equal opportunity employers) are etching strong signatures in the employment ecosystem and making the world a better place to work in. They are the reason multiplicity finds footprints on the canvas of employability like never before. However, there is still a long way to go. The situation is not as ideal as the world would like it to be. Employers implementing the principles of diversity in recruitment are few as of now.

Roads need to be travelled. Gaps need to be bridged. Sensitisation needs to be done. Mindsets need to be addressed.

Diversity will be a key parameter to give an impetus to human charisma at workplaces as it brings in fresh perspectives and concepts to the table for discussions and strategizing. Diversity will also ensure safety, dignity and happiness of each and every employee and motivate them to give their best at the workplace. Hence, the creation of India Diversity Forum.

What is Diversity?

Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique, accepting it and valuing the contribution and perspective they bring in. Diversity is not just giving people of different preferences, backgrounds and beliefs a job. It also means respecting them for the value they bring in. This, however, is easier said than done. A lot happens at workplaces that tells us that all is not as well in offices as we would believe it to be when it comes to diversity. A good Human Resources department would be the one that not only employs people with diverse backgrounds but also ensures that the organization and its workforce imbibe the true meaning of diversity and inclusion and apply it in their behavior and conduct. In fact, a good HR department takes efforts to sensitise its people to issues relating to diversity. That is the reason a forum is needed that acts as the catalyst in bridging the various gaps. That is why a forum like India Diversity Forum is the need of the hour.

What is India Diversity Forum?

India Diversity Forum is an independent industry body (a Section 8 company) formed to create awareness and bring all issues about diversity, and hence inclusion, in Indian companies in all areas around us in general, and at the workplaces in particular, on one platform. It will also bring single minded focus to the discussion around diversity and inclusion in India at a company, government and national level.

India Diversity Forum is a company-agnostic and industry-agnostic forum that strives to make a difference at workplaces across the nation by imbibing the best practices in diversity and sharing them.

India Diversity Forum aims to increase employee engagement and confidence, help reduce conflict at workplaces and make the workplaces more humane and happy places.

Our Vision

A world free of discrimination at the workplace and India to be a beacon of diversity and inclusion for the rest of world.



Our Mission

To eliminate discrimination at workplaces on account of gender, region, language, religion, caste, class, occupation, background, disabilities, race, age and sexual orientation by facilitating and guiding organizations to build an environment of equality and diversity.

Goals of IDF

Women employment

India Inc needs to embrace gender diversity and must employ more women at workplaces; it must make its recruitment processes more inclusive.

Equal opportunities for women

Organisations must create an environment where women can access equal opportunities for growth in senior positions; More women must be encouraged to take up senior positions.

Best Practices

Compiling of best practices of every member organization with regard to diversity and inclusion and sharing with all.

Pay parity

Organisations must decide pay according to proficiency and not gender. They must pay equal remuneration, including benefits, for work of equal value and strive to pay a living wage to all women and men. 

Health, safety and well-being of employees

Organisations must establish a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of violence at work, including verbal and/or physical abuse, and prevent sexual harassment. They must strive to offer flexible work options, leave and re-entry opportunities to positions of equal pay and status and also make workplaces friendly to work for people with physical disabilities. 

Team sensitization

Organisations must provide training to their teams to sensitise them towards genders, LGBTQ+ community and professionals with disabilities. There must be special training programmes for men and women in leadership positions.