D&I Spotlight of the Month | MAERSK


Maersk is committed to workplace diversity and to cultivating, fostering and preserving a culture of inclusion.

While the traditional masculine image of the logistics industry limits diversity in many aspects and stages of careers but at Maersk we have never let that impact the focus on D&I. And we are proud to be ahead of the industry in terms of gender diversity.

Our journey started with a humble International Women’s Day celebration and has now evolved to a more holistic approach. Our hiring practices reflect the focus on selecting talent from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Training programs such as “Beating Bias” coupled with specialized workshops on unconscious bias through innovative mediums such as theatre and drama make everyone aware of the subconscious biases that might be impacting decision making in day-to-day life and drive acceptance and appreciation for all.

Additionally, enabling initiatives such as proactive checks to avoid gender salary gaps, focused capability building programs, flexible work practices such as Flex Work Return to Work, Work from Home, Flexi Time, new parents portal, childcare support, holistic wellness have helped to create an engaged, safe and positive work environment.

In order to drive the D&I mission, a women led team (STRI – Stand.Together.Respect.Inspire) was instituted to set a more structured approach towards driving the D&I priorities. One of the learnings was that in order to make D&I a way of life, there is a need to create allies. With this objective in mind, STRI Team was transformed to MIX Network which has representation from male and female employees across locations, functions and experiences. This voluntary group actively works towards promoting the D&I vision in Maersk and is led by a senior leader as the Male Ally.

The next step in the Maersk D&I journey is to become more inclusive and bring onboard talent from diverse categories such as LGBTQI+, PWD while continuing the focus on gender diversity.